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Making A Chinese Domino Set

If you can't lay your hands on a Chinese domino set then you can always improvise one with readily available Western Double-Six dominoes.

To make a Chinese domino set from Western dominoes all you need is two Double-Six domino sets and some red paint or a red marker pen.  Then you can play all the Chinese domino games you want.

Here are a number of steps to follow to make an improvised Chinese domino set.

  • First, get hold of two standard Western Double-Six domino sets, preferably coloured black.
  • Remove all the tiles with a blank suit from one set.
  • Set the rest of the first set to one side so you don't get confused.
  • Set aside the double 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 from the second Western set.
  • Now set aside the 6-5, 6-4, 6-1, 5-1, and 3-1 from the second set.
  • Now take all the tiles you have set aside and colour in all the 1-spots and red with a marker pen.
  • Colour in alternate rows of 3 spots on the double-six tiles.
  • You now have a complete set of substitute Chinese dominoes complete with Civil and Military suits.










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