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Point Domino Games

Learn about "Point" domino games, from what distinguishes them from other types of domino game to the actual rules and instructions for a whole range of domino Point games.

The primary feature of Point domino games that distinguishes them from Block and Draw domino games, is that points can be scored during a hand as it is in progress, as well as at the end of a round. Scoring is typically based on the spot values of the tiles making up the open ends of the layout which may number anything from just two to several open ends.  Sometimes known as "Scoring games".





Caveat: You may know or come across some of the games described on domino-play with slightly different rules or possibly with a different name.  Remember, there are no official rules for dominoes and variations on domino games are common.  Feel free to play the various rules you are comfortable with and use the game descriptions here as a rough guide and general resource.
Print "How to Play" Printable Instructions for FREE.  "How to" instruction pages are formatted for printing so you can have hardcopy instructions to share socially and refer to for FREE.







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